Socialise and learn about local culture
We normally operate in small cities and towns where you will find many people who are quite sociable and have got time for others (unlike in big cities like Delhi where life is very busy for most people).
We would try to arrange paying-guest accommodation for you with a local family. That will give you an opportunity to know them in person and build additional social network. Moreover, if you plan to live for long time (e.g. 2-10 months) than you can definitely explore being involved with local activities e.g. Games and Sports, festivals and events. Other options could be to learn local language, art and crafts, yoga and developing new hobby.
Local volunteer co-ordinator (who is native residents) will help you in getting involved with other people depending on your interest. It also depends quite a lot on your initiative, being open to new ideas and culture and interests. So please be open minded to new experiences and ideas to learn more about local culture. Please feel free to Contact Us for any ideas or suggestion that you might have to make your stay more interesting and meaningful and chance are that we might be able to include these as part of our programs.